Math concepts such as sequencing, sorting, shapes, and patterns are first introduced through interesting and easily understandable sensorial activities. Abstract math concepts such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication are then introduced through Math activities using concrete materials such as beads, number rods, and numeral cards. Children then move to advanced math exercises that require them to abstract, i.e. associate numerals to quantities in their minds without needing beads or cards. These activities are sequenced to form a solid foundation for math – a must for the development of abstract reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Spindle Boxes
This activity is aimed at introducing the concept of zero, that zero means nothing. Children also learn the natural sequence of numbers (counting) and the association between the sybolic figures (numbers) and the quantity it represents.
Numerals and Counters
In addition to counting, this activity teaches the child the concept of odd and even numbers.
Association of Beads and Cards
This activity allows the child to associate the numerals with their quantities.
Addition Blank Chart
This activity allows children to learn abstracting various single digit addition combinations.
Subtraction Work Chart
A manipulative activity that helps children figure out answers on their own and memorize subtraction combinations.
This activity teaches the concept that parts make up a whole. It allows the child to understand fractions from half to tenths.
Square Chain
This is another counting activity where the final answer is the square of a certain number.
Cube Chain
While this is also a counting activity, each of these color coded chains have the final answer as the cube of a certain number. Depicted here is cube of three – i.e., 3x3x3 = 27